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My Ex Moved Out of California Can Our Child Support Order Be Changed By the Court In the New State?

Question: My Ex Moved Out of California Can Our Temporary Support Order Be Changed By the Court In the New State? Here in California a temporary order concerning child support, spousal support and custody was issued by the court. The order included an Ostler-Smith  bonus order. My ex has since moved out of state with… Read More »

Understanding Bonus Income in California Divorce Cases: The Ostler-Smith Approach

If you’re a Californian contemplating divorce or currently undergoing one, and you or your spouse has a variable bonus income, understanding how this income is accounted for in support payments is crucial. This is especially true if the party paying support has both W-2 income and variable bonus income. One of the seminal cases in… Read More »

After a Family Law Hearing on Custody, Support or Some Other Issue How Does A Party Make an Order?

After a Court makes a decision in a family law case court hearing at which the judge issues an order, how does one make a record of what the judge said? I am often asked about Court Orders after a judge has made a decision in a family law hearing over a disputed issue. For… Read More »

Is a Financial Statement Required When the Payor Wants to Change a Spousal Support Order after a California Divorce Judgment?

Is a financial statement required when the payor wants to change or terminate spousal support after a California divorce judgment was issued? I often receive questions about modifications of spousal support orders after a divorce judgment has been issued by the court. Recently, I recently received the question below regarding a post judgment spousal support… Read More »

How is spousal support changed if the payor moves out of California?

How is spousal support affected if the payor moves out of California? Question: In my divorce judgment I have to pay long term spousal support. Do I still have to pay spousal support if I move out of California? I am moving to get a better job. Answer: Spousal support is also known as alimony…. Read More »