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Does child support increase when you get married because of your spouse’s income?

QUESTION: I plan to marry at the end of the year and my partner is paying child support from California. Is their child support going to go up because of my income or is that not taken into consideration? ANSWER: New spouse income is NOT used to calculate child support-but tax filing status is. This… Read More »

Learn How to Collect Alimony or Child Support Arrears Using Real Propert Liens

Understanding Judgment Liens on Real Estate as a Tool to Collect Spousal Support or Child Support That Is Owed and Has Not Been Paid Summary: Alimony is the more common term in the United States but in California alimony is called spousal support. Under Section 697.320 of the California Code of Civil Procedure, a judgment… Read More »

My Ex Moved Out of California Can Our Child Support Order Be Changed By the Court In the New State?

Question: My Ex Moved Out of California Can Our Temporary Support Order Be Changed By the Court In the New State? Here in California a temporary order concerning child support, spousal support and custody was issued by the court. The order included an Ostler-Smith  bonus order. My ex has since moved out of state with… Read More »

Understanding Bonus Income in California Divorce Cases: The Ostler-Smith Approach

If you’re a Californian contemplating divorce or currently undergoing one, and you or your spouse has a variable bonus income, understanding how this income is accounted for in support payments is crucial. This is especially true if the party paying support has both W-2 income and variable bonus income. One of the seminal cases in… Read More »

Learn How Social Media Posts Can Impact Your California Divorce or Paternity Case

In today’s digital age, where social media has become an undeniable part of life, navigating a divorce or a paternity case can be even more complex. While sharing updates and connecting with loved ones can be beneficial, careless posts can have a significant, and often negative, impact on your family law case in California. Here’s… Read More »

How do I add income from a small business to the California Income and Expense Declaration, form FL-150?

Question: If my spouse is self-employed with his own business, how should his income be stated in form FL-150 Income and Expense Declaration? On line (1.a) must he must state the name of his business, and on line (1.h) he must state his business’s gross income (before any taxes)? On line (7) must he must… Read More »

What Steps Can a Person Take to Prepare for Divorce in California

HOW TO PREPARE FOR A DIVORCE IN CALIFORNIA There are several steps a party can take to prepare for a divorce in California: Gather information. This includes acquiring and making copies of important financial documents, such as tax returns, bank statements, and investment portfolios. It is also important to obtain the data necessary for you… Read More »

After a Family Law Hearing on Custody, Support or Some Other Issue How Does A Party Make an Order?

After a Court makes a decision in a family law case court hearing at which the judge issues an order, how does one make a record of what the judge said? I am often asked about Court Orders after a judge has made a decision in a family law hearing over a disputed issue. For… Read More »

How to Ensure Fluctuating Income from Bonuses or Commissions Is Included in Spousal Support and Child Support Orders in Los Angeles Divorce or Paternity Cases

Bonus Income and Ostler Smith Awards: Navigating Fluctuating Income in Support Proceedings in California Divorce or Paternity Cases One  of the important issues divorcing couples face is determining appropriate spousal and child support awards (For unmarried couples with children child support is usually an issue too). In cases where one party receives bonus income or… Read More »

Dividing Children’s Health Costs Not Covered by Insurance: A Neglected Child Support Component of California Divorce and Paternity Cases

In every order for child support the court includes orders addressing health costs for the parties’ children which are not covered by insurance. Many parents forget about this important issue. The default order* of the court is that each parent is responsible for one half of these costs. Examples are co-pays for healthcare visits, blood… Read More »