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Learn How to Describe Assets and Expenses on the FL-150 Income and Expense Declaration in Your California Divorce

Learn How to Describe Assets and Expenses on the FL-150 Income and Expense Declaration in Your California Divorce The FL-150 is a lot easier for most people getting a divorce in California to complete than it is to complete and compile the information on the FL-142 Asset and Debt Declaration. I address the FL-142 here…. Read More »

How do I add income from a small business to the California Income and Expense Declaration, form FL-150?

Question: If my spouse is self-employed with his own business, how should his income be stated in form FL-150 Income and Expense Declaration? On line (1.a) must he must state the name of his business, and on line (1.h) he must state his business’s gross income (before any taxes)? On line (7) must he must… Read More »