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5850 Canoga Ave, Suite 400, Woodland Hills, California 91367
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Caring California Alimony Attorney Looks Out for Your Best Interests

Dedicated lawyer seeks fair spousal support arrangements for clients in the Los Angeles area

When you and your spouse divorce, there are a number of decisions that will have a long-term impact on your quality of life. With respect to alimony which is also known as spousal support you may be able to negotiate an agreement.  Galen Gentry has extensive knowledge of the laws governing spousal support and experience representing parties seeking payments as well as those who are being asked to provide them. No matter the particular circumstances Galen works diligently to achieve the best result for clients in Los Angeles and across Southern California.

Compassionate California advocate assists with alimony negotiations and litigation

When determining whether spousal support (also known as alimony) should be granted, how much should be awarded and for how long, judges appraise various factors: the length of the couple’s marriage, their standard of living during the marriage, the relative income of each individual, and the needs of each spouse. Retaining a knowledgeable alimony attorney can help you ensure your interests are served. In some cases calculating support can be complicated. For example if the paying spouse has variable bonus income, the order needs to accomodate the income variations. Learn how Galen Gentry can help you obtain an appropriate order when the payor has variable bonus income.

Galen Gentry advises clients on the types of alimony / spousal support that are relevant to their divorce, which may include:

  • Temporary alimony — Meant to provide support during divorce proceedings, temporary alimony helps recipient spouses address their financial needs until the case is resolved. Pursuant to California Family Code Section 3600 after a petition of divorce is filed a spouse can seek an order of temporary support. Temporary support is paid to the lower income spouse to attempt to maintain a status quo. Temporary support is calculated using a statutory formula based on the parties’ incomes. The amount of spousal support is also influenced by whether a child support order issues at the same time. As a practical matter, courts almost universally use one of two computer programs that calculate temporary spousal support: either the Dissomaster or Xspouse. The respective incomes of the parties are the most important components of the calculations, but there are other critical components. For example, if the paying party or the receiving party is paying a mortgage the interest deduction set out on that party’s tax return can influence the support amount. A party to a dissolution who will receive or pay temporary spousal support should ensure their attorney is well versed in the various inputs which are important to the calculation of temporary spousal support.
  • Long term alimony — Long term support is governed by California Family Code Section 4320. Long term support is paid after the divorce is finalized by an agreement of the parties or by a judgment after trial. Long term is not based on a formula. In California long term spousal support is based on 14 factors enumerated in Family Code Section 4320.  Important components of a long term support determination are the need for support and the ability of the payor to pay it. Long term support can be a contentious issue. In a divorce where one or more parties has significant income and the marriage has lasted longer than 10 years it is important to have an experienced attorney ensure you obtain the best outcome whether as the potential payor or payee.

Galen Gentry will work with you to determine and obtain the appropriate support order.

Experience attorney considers your financial needs and strives for your peace of mind

Mr. Gentry represents clients who are seeking alimony as well as those who will be required to pay it. Our clients are often concerned about what happens to the support obligation if their circumstances change. Some clients seek court ordered relief when they are not receiving the alimony payments specified by the agreement. We can help obtain support orders, change support orders and enforce support orders. Our goal is to ensure a fair result that protects your standard of living.

Contact an experienced California family law attorney for alimony assistance

Galen Gentry is dedicated to working toward the best result for you with respect to spousal support issues. We represent clients throughout Southern California. Call at (310) 282-7521  or contact me online to schedule a free virtual consultation with a qualified attorney.